Tunes from Mary Allsopp

Mary AllsoppMary Allsopp is the long-time leader of Chicago Spelmanslag (Swedish musicians club) with an extensive repertoire of Scandinavian tunes and a deep sensitivity to the distinctive rhythms of old-time Nordic dancing. And she’s a great teacher.
Along with Tim Anderson on guitar, Mary will play a demonstration set in the back room of the Atlantic Bar & Grill (5062 N. Lincoln) on Sunday, January 16 at 6:30. Some of Tim and Mary’s friends will be along to demonstrate the nyckleharpa (keyed fiddle) and traditional Swedish couple dances. The concert will be followed by a jam session with some teaching time thrown in. This meeting is free.

Here’s a selection of tunes to introduce to the marvelous world of Swedish fiddle music.
Press the arrows to listen or right-click the blue title to download and save on your computer.

A walking tune:

Gärdebylåten slow

A hambo (a newer dance in 3/4):
Hambo efter Lasse i Svarven

hambo slow

A polska (an older dance in 3/4):
Polska from Ramsala

polska slow

A schottische:
Hast Schottis

schottische slow

A fun tune:

Hamburger slow