Bob Bovee & Pop Wagner
Sunday, November 30 – 7pm
Seman Violins (4447 W. Oakton, Skokie).
Admission is $15 at the door.
Okay, so this picture was taken 40 years ago. Their hair has turned gray, but they still play real good, with the same drive and passion for the old-time music they’ve shown to audiences all over the country. Few can do it any better. (Pop still has that fabulous mustache and Bob is sure to wear a great hat.) What’s in store for us is wealth of cowboy songs, old-time tunes, and more. Here’s some samples of Pop’s fiddling, tune we might play at the jam session.
Silver Creek Hasty by Anni Spring & Pop Wagner
Parted Lovers by Pop Wagner
Lamentation for William Hinkley by Adam Granger & Pop Wagner
Hobb Dye by Pop Wagner
Ebenezer by Anni Spring & Pop Wagner
Brazilian Tune (recording of a cool tune, sent by Pop)