Tunes from Here and There

Most of my public folklore work concentrated on the Midwest. I was contracted for one project with the Wyoming Arts Foundation to document old-time fiddling. And most of my tune catching has been done right here at home. At times, visitors from other parts of the U.S. and the World have stopped by my little corner in Bloomington or Chicago: great opportunities for hearing and learning tunes.

Other times, I have ventured off to visit other districts and provinces. Most of my recordings from Here & There were made at music camps and festivals on the East and West Coasts. A favorite is the Bluff Country Gathering in Lanesboro, Minnesota, that features artists from places both near and far.

Arto Järvelä, Ulvsby, Findland (in Chicago)

Back in 1969, on a trip to England and Ireland, I did attempt to find traditional music and dance. It didn't work out. It took another 40 years before I was able to travel overseas again. Twice now I have had marvelous musical adventures in Finland and Estonia. Samples will appear on the browsing pages linked hear. Here's hoping my passport will be stamped at a few more borders in the coming years.

I must mention one of the best things that ever happened. Arto Järvelä, a master fiddler from Järvelä (near Kaustinen) in the Ostrobothnia district of Suomi (Finland) came for a residency at the Old Town School for the month of September 2009. He stayed at our house and became part of our family. Great music happened and enduring friendships were formed.