In the Tradition Fiddlers Reunions

June 4, 1994. Les Raber (Hastings, Michigan) - fiddle. With Patt Plunkett of Evanston, Illinois on piano. The waltz below was composed by Les when he was young. Francis Geels (Decatur, Indiana)- fiddle. With Esther Mowery, his sister, on guitar. Their father and uncle both played the fiddle. In 1979, Francis told me the first tune below was an old family tune.

May 5, 1995. Tim Stokes (Buncombe, Illinois) on fiddle. With Ed Fravell, his longtime music partner, on guitar. The second tune he learned from his grandmother. Lloyd Lalumondiere (Festus, Missouri) - fiddle. With Jim Nelson of St.Louis on guitar. Lloyd grew up in the old Missouri French town of Ste. Genevieve.

Tim Stokes

Lloyd Lalumondiere

September 27, 1996. Bruce Greene (Burnsville, North Carolina) - fiddle. Garry Harrison (Charleston, Illinois) - fiddle. With Chris German of Palatine, Illinois on guitar.

Nov 11, 1997. Lynn "Chirps" Smith (Grayslake, Illinois) - fiddle. And friends, including Fred Campeau on banjo & Rhys Jones on guitar. Friends who joined late in the set were Stephanie Coleman and Paul Tyler on fiddle.

Chirps Smith
  • Cameron Men Medley
  • Six Pounds of Feathers in a Cuckoo's Nest
  • Devil in the Haystack

  • Snake Chapman's Tune (Can't Go Home Till Morning)
  • add Stephanie Coleman & Paul Tyler
  • Evansville
  • Run Down Boot

Mar 27, 1999. Paul Dahlin (Minneapolis) - fiddle. With members of the the American-Swedish Institute Spelmanslag. Jim Lansford (Galena, Missouri) - fiddle. With Kim Lansford on guitar and piano. The first Lansford tune is also called "Hell Against the Barn Door." The middle piece is a duet featuring Kim and Jim's heavenly vocal harmony.

Paul Dahlin

Jim & Kim Lansford